July Diaper Drive
Diaper Collection to Benefit The Diaper Project at A Place to Turn
Lutheran Church of Framingham and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, partners in mission and ministry, will hold a month-long virtual and a one-day in-person diaper collection to benefit The Diaper Project at A Place to Turn. Diapers and baby wipes are not covered by SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or any other federal or state programs. This collection will provide diapers and baby wipes to families in our MetroWest community who are in financial distress.
At this time, the Diaper Project is looking for:
• Diapers in sizes 5 & 6
• Diaper wipes
• Monetary donations
You can donate three ways:
1. Virtual Collection, July 1-31. Shop online at your favorite retailer and have the diapers and wipes shipped directly to: The Diaper Project, 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760.
2. One-day, In-Person Collection, Sunday, July 25, 11:30am to 12:30pm. Hand-deliver your donations to volunteers in the parking lot of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 3 Maple St., Framingham. Volunteers will be there to collect your donations. Please do not leave donations outside the church at any other time.
3. Monetary Donations: Visit the A Place to Turn website. Click the “Make a Donation” button at the top right section of their home page. If you’d like, you can type St. A/LCF Diaper Collection in the comment section. You may also send a check made payable to A Place to Turn to 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760 and write St. A/LCF Diaper Collection on the memo line.
There is a constant need for these items. If you are unable to help now, you may donate directly to A Place to Turn at any time. Please join us in helping our neighbors in need.