Summer Worship 2018
Childcare will be provided each Sunday except on days when we worship at the Outdoor Chapel.
Sign up on the Special Events board to host Lemonade Hour after the 9:00 a.m. services,
and to contribute to the Open House Picnic on September 16.
Sunday, June 24
8am Holy Eucharist
10am Lutheran Holy Eucharist with Baptism
Rev. Grant Barber, Celebrant
Sunday, July 1
9am Holy Eucharist
Sunday, July 8
9am Holy Eucharist,
Rev. Grant Barber, Celebrant and Preacher
Community Brunch at Bella Costa. Watch for sign-ups!
Sunday, July 15
9am Holy Eucharist
Rev. Grant Barber, Celebrant and Preacher
Sunday, July 22
9am Holy Eucharist
Sunday, July 29
9am Lutheran Holy Eucharist at the Outdoor Chapel (720 Edgell Road)
Sunday, August 5
9am Holy Eucharist
Sunday, August 12
9am Holy Eucharist
Rev. Christine Nakyeyune, Celebrant and Preacher
Sunday, August 19
9am Holy Eucharist
Rev. Christine Whittaker, Celebrant and Preacher
Sunday, August 26
9am Lutheran Holy Eucharist at the Outdoor Chapel (720 Edgell Road)
Sunday, September 2
9am Holy Eucharist
Sunday, September 9
8am Holy Eucharist
10am Holy Eucharist
Sunday, September 16
8am Holy Eucharist
9am First Day of Church School
10am Holy Eucharist, Backpack Blessing and Teacher Commissioning
11:30am Open House Picnic