To Serve
—service & outreach—
Our Outreach Committee is heavily involved in many ongoing projects and coordinates donations to area groups. In Framingham, we serve dinner each month at the Salvation Army’s Miracle Soup Kitchen, we collect non-perishable foods for the food pantry at St. Tarcisius Church, we sing at a local nursing home, and we knit to clothe the less fortunate.
We hold collection drives several times a year, like school supplies and books for Biloxi, socks for the homeless, holiday toy and warm clothing drives, and we contribute to national and international charities. See the organizations below to learn how, at St. Andrew's, we “pray with our feet.”
Some of the St. Andrew’s ongoing Outreach events and activities include . . .
A Place to Turn: provide diaper and diaper wipes
Boston Children’s Hospital: make and gift NICU Octopuses, baptismal blankets, blankets and wraps for patients and their families
Craftapalooza: make various hand-crafted items which are donated to local organizations
Daniel’s Table: provide non-perishable food and volunteer
Faith in Branches: Ecumenical gatherings at local senior living communities
Family Promise MetroWest: provide meals
Giving Tree: support three local organizations with Christmas gifts
Katie’s Quilters: St. Andrew’s provides space for Katie’s Quilters who make quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Pearl St. at Park: provide non-perishable food and serve dinner
St. Andrew’s food pantry: ongoing food collectionWayside Youth & Family Support Network: give Thanksgiving cards and gift cards for families
Callahan Senior Center
Carlyle House Nursing Home
Food Pantry at St. Tarcisius Church
Miracle Soup Kitchen at Salvation Army
South Middlesex Opportunity Council
Boston Seafarer's Friend
Common Cathedral, Boston
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
Shriners Children's Hospital, Boston
Church of the Redeemer, Biloxi, MS
Episcopal Relief and Development
United Thank Offering
Afghans for Afghans
ASAP Africa